No challenge will break our communities, spirits or faith.... We are the strength of
The Oklahoma Eagle has launched Tulsa ABOVE COVID to highlight our shared communities’ resilience, strength and determination during this incredible challenge.
No challenge will break our communities, spirits or faith.... We are the strength of
The Greater Tulsa Business Community continues to meet the health, safety & economic challenges of our communities with creative alternatives for services and giving forward.
We share COVID-related experiences that are unique to our families, communities and circumstances, that should be heard…
No challenge will break our communities, spirits or faith.... We are the strength of
We are sincerely grateful for the sacrifices made by our courageous “Front Line” professionals… Please share their incredible stories.
Greater Tulsa is cared for, serviced and protected by dedicated professionals in our civic agencies, hospitals, care centers, fire and police departments throughout the COVID 19 crisis. We have created this space to express our sincere appreciation.

"As a first responder, when you don’t know what you’re dealing with there are thoughts in the back of your mind on how to keep yourself safe and your family safe."
Ronald Stewart Jr
Tulsa Fire Department

"I’ve personally been impacted from the limited contact w/ my family and friends. I do have a fear of spreading the virus inadvertently so I tend to think about that possibility a lot."
Jerome Gilley
EMSA Paramedic

Cassie Clayton
Chief Nursing Officer, Morton Health Services

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Kimmy Gulotta
Care Coordinator